Tuesday, February 4, 2014

In the soft white, powder is a nothingness.

 A oneness that some adventurers delight in and others merely stare at the picture in absolute amazement. My brother is a skier and one that have experienced some heights and views that I can simply view through his pictures. He began skiing at a young age on a small hill on plastic skis. He moved on to ski and live in Denver. His backyard is now Tahoe where he enjoys the amazement of the powdery slopes as often as he can. He has rented a snowplow and skied from dazzling heights.
 He also was dropped off by helicopter in Kootenays, British Columbia.

 His latest amazing trip will be to Japan. It is a joy to live vicariously through his adventures. I cannot wait to experience the beauty and the awe of his next trip. Your old skiing buddy of many years past is always amazed and proud of a brother who keeps living life with wild abandonment.

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