Friday, November 17, 2017

Karma Corn Craze: The Fabric of my life shows up in my pictures an...

Karma Corn Craze:

The Fabric of my life shows up in my pictures an...
: The Fabric of my life shows up in my pictures and smiles of my family. To obtain the most positive life that you can you will have ob...

The Fabric of my life shows up in my pictures and smiles of my family. To obtain the most positive life that you can you will have obstacles and with sorrow there will be profound teachings. I ended my night yesterday as I wanted to thank some of those around me. I pulled out my rusty old blog to help me remind the ones of how proud I am of them. I start first with my mother- the person that wants to make the sadness of life go away and replaces it with her wisdom and love. To my neice, Cassandra who has had a difficult two months and bore more greif than a young adult should. She is at rest from surgery today and I hold her heart in mine, hoping that healing comes quickly in all aspects of her live. I am proud of my brother Jeff that ran a dream with the New York Marathon. I am always uplifted by the strong women in my family and the kindness of the men. We often live in a bubble of our own emotions and I was coaught up last night when I wanted to thank my new boss. I ventured into writing again, and I stumble slowly into healing from the loss of my father. My new grandsons bring me quick smiles and show me my future that is ahead. I thank old friends for showing me  the teachings of Abraham Hicks and find that a little meditation goes along way. For those that I have hurt along the way, I apologize for selfishness in  my own journey. My fabric of life, I hope will mature into a positive and loving one for all that I am lucky enough to embrace.