Friday, November 15, 2013 (Click here for the link)

Karma Corn was published  one year and one month ago. It has been such a wonderful first year with the help of my  family friends and new readers! I often think of myself as blessed to be living a dream that I had as a child. I am glad that I am three books into this new life of mine.
Starting tomorrow Karma Corn will be free on kindle all weekend.
This is a reveiw of someone I do not know and I am happy that I added something to her life and hope that she has read more of my books.!
I Love books that keep me interested and this one sure did. As soon as you thought you knew where this one was headed, there was another twist and turn that you didn't see coming. Jackie has a unique way of writing that you can see yourself right there in the character that you are reading about. I see a Bright future for this author and can't wait to read her next book, which I hope is SOON.

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