Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Talking Ophelia Jones over eggs....

 We just had an impromptu brunch with Aaron my mom and me. We were discussing one of my favorite topics, which is my latest book. My mother had just read the book and gave me feedback on what she liked about the character and the book. In opening up the conversation it also brought  in to play that I am currently developing characters for the new book. The next book it will be the fourth in the series of Karma Corn and will be a much larger book as it will span ten years. This book will also be a mystery which will be a first for me. I am also hoping to do a little traveling to the places that are in the book before I actually begin writing. The part of writing a series is that the characters that I once thought were just part of a single story have now begun to become  part of a large canvas waiting for new pictures. I smile that Ophelia joined us for breakfast at least in my head. Well, some in my actions I accidentally squirted Aaron in the face with Windex. I spilled milk on the table and myself and burnt my finger. Does Ophelia Jones live with me each day? I most certainly believe she is now a part of my soul.

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